Zinc Data File Version 4.0 UI_ICON UI_BITMAP UI_HELP. UI_HPP0 DERIVE_TABLE APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTION GENERAL_HLP ZDLABEL_HLP ZDREROOT_HLP ZDDELETE_HLP ZDHIDE_HLP ZDUNHIDE_HLP ZDSETACT_HLP ZDBSRTST_HLP ZDFMTCNF_HLP ZDFORMAT_HLP ZDCLUST GENERAL HELP" PartitionMagic provides context-sensitive help for all windows and dialog boxes. Click the HELP button to access the help information. To close a Help window, select the CLOSE button. To display a different topic, select SHOW INDEX, select the desired topic, and then select SHOW TOPIC. LABEL PARTITION The LABEL operation lets you to change a partition's volume label. Giving your partitions meaningful names makes managing them easier. For example, by labeling a partition GAMES, you can tell at a glance what that partition contains. Labels can be up to 11 alphanumeric characters. Labels follow the same rules as DOS names, with two exceptions: spaces are allowed, and no period is required between the first eight characters and the last three. To change a partition label: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition whose label you wish to change. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition with the label you want to change and click OPERATIONS > LABEL on the menu bar. The LABEL PARTITION dialog appears. 3. In the NEW LABEL box, type the new label. NOTE: Labels cannot contain the following characters: [*?:<>|+=;,/\]. 4. Click OK. 5. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 6. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 7. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 8. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition has a new label. RESIZE ROOT The RESIZE ROOT operation lets you change the maximum number of entries that can be placed in the root directory of a FAT partition. The number of root entries is set at the time the partition is formatted; the limit does not expand automatically as it does in a subdirectory or in a FAT32 partition. Consider increasing this number if you use Microsoft long filenames in the root directory. During this operation, data within the partition is unaffected. NOTE: Occasionally, enlarging the root directory displaces the first few files on the partition (such as IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS if the partition contains an operating system). If the root directory is on a boot partition and the partition fails to boot after resizing the root directory, you should move the displaced files back to the front of the disk. For instructions on doing this, contact technical support. See "PowerQuest Technical Support" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or Help for contact information. To resize the root directory: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition whose root directory you wish to resize. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition containing the root directory and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > RESIZE ROOT on the menu bar. The RESIZE ROOT dialog appears, displaying the number of used entries and the current capacity. 3. In the NEW CAPACITY box, type or select the number of entries you want the root directory to have. The number you type will be rounded to one that preserves the current cluster alignment. 4. Click OK. 5. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 6. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 7. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 8. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition's root directory is resized. DELETE PARTITION The DELETE operation deletes a partition and destroys all its data. To ensure that you do not accidentally delete a partition, you must first type the volume label. If you did not assign a volume label when you created the partition, you must type NO NAME to confirm the deletion. To delete an extended partition, you must first delete all logical partitions within the extended partition. WARNING! Performing the following procedure will destroy all data on the selected partition and may change drive letter assignments. See "How the OS Assigns Drive Letters" and "Problems Caused by Drive Letter Changes" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. For information on updating your drive mappings, see "Changing Drive Letter References with DriveMapper" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. To delete a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to delete. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to delete and click OPERATIONS > DELETE on the menu bar. The DELETE PARTITION dialog appears. 3. Type the volume label to confirm the deletion. NOTE: The DELETE PARTITION dialog displays the current volume label. 4. Click OK. 5. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 6. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 7. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 8. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is deleted. If you received the DriveMapper prompt in step 8, DriveMapper now displays a prompt indicating that it is about to change your drive mappings and shows the changes in the order it will make them. To accept the changes, click OK. NOTE: If you click CANCEL, the DriveMapper wizard appears so you can manually update your drive letter references. HIDE PARTITION* The HIDE PARTITION operation lets you secure partitions against unwanted user access. You can perform this operation on FAT, FAT32, NTFS, and HPFS partitions. When you hide a partition, the next time you boot your computer the partition is not assigned a drive letter. Conversely, when you unhide a partition, the next time you boot your computer the partition is assigned a drive letter. WARNING! Hiding and unhiding partitions can cause the drive letters of other partitions to change. For information on reassigning your drive mappings, see "Changing Drive Letter References with DriveMapper" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. For information on why drive letters change, see "How the OS Assigns Drive Letters" and "Problems Caused by Drive Letter Changes" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. If your hard disk has more than one primary partition, only one is visible by default. When you use the SET ACTIVE operation, PartitionMagic unhides the selected primary partition and hides other primary partitions. To hide a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to hide. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to hide and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > HIDE PARTITION on the menu bar. The HIDE PARTITION dialog appears, warning you that drive letters may change. 3. To confirm that you want to hide the partition, click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is hidden and no longer has a drive letter. UNHIDE PARTITION When you unhide a partition, the next time you boot your computer the partition is assigned a drive letter. WARNING! Hiding and unhiding partitions can cause the drive letters of other partitions to change. For information on why drive letters change, see "How the OS Assigns Drive Letters" and "Problems Caused by Drive Letter Changes" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. For information on updating your drive mappings, see "Changing Drive Letter References with DriveMapper" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. If your hard disk has more than one primary partition, only one is visible by default. When you use the SET ACTIVE operation, PartitionMagic unhides the selected primary partition and hides other primary partitions. While you can unhide more than one primary partition, we recommend that you do not unless you are running Windows NT. Unhiding multiple primary partitions may cause data loss. NOTE: If you are running Windows NT, partitions are not hidden automatically; therefore, you can have multiple visible, primary partitions. To unhide a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to hide. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to unhide and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > UNHIDE PARTITION on the menu bar. The UNHIDE PARTITION dialog appears, warning you that drive letters may change. 3. To confirm that you want to unhide the partition, click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is unhidden and the next time you boot your computer, the partition is assigned a drive letter. SET ACTIVE The SET ACTIVE operation lets you make a partition the active partition, or in other words, the partition the computer boots from. Only one partition can be active at a time. To boot your computer from a partition, the partition must be on the first drive and it must contain an operating system. When your computer boots, it reads the partition table of the first drive to find out which partition is active and boots from that partition. WARNING! Before you make a partition active, it must be bootable. If the partition is not bootable or if you are not certain if it is, have a boot diskette ready. To create a boot diskette, see "Using an Operating System Boot Diskette" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. PartitionMagic hides inactive FAT, NTFS, and HPFS primary partitions. To set the active partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you want to make active. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to make active and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > SET ACTIVE on the menu bar. The SET ACTIVE PARTITION dialog appears. 3. Click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is active. BAD SECTOR RETESTd The BAD SECTOR RETEST operation lets you check sectors on FAT partitions that have been marked bad and recover sectors that are usable. NOTE: Use INFO to discover whether a partition contains bad clusters. For more information, click HELP in the PARTITION INFORMATION dialog or see "Getting Information About Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. WARNING! Some sectors marked as bad are marginally bad, meaning that one time the sector works fine and another time it does not. BAD SECTOR RETEST may mark a marginally bad sector as good. This can result in data loss if the marginally bad sector fails in the future. Most modern hard drives detect bad sectors and automatically remap the sector, so in general, you do not see bad sectors on modern hard drives. If you do get bad sector errors on a modern hard drive, it is recommended that you replace the drive. To retest bad sectors: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you want to retest. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to retest and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > BAD SECTOR RETEST on the menu bar. The BAD SECTOR RETEST dialog appears. 3. To continue with the test, click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to continue. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. Usable sectors on the partition that were marked bad have been recovered. FORMAT VERIFICATION The FORMAT VERIFICATION dialog box allows you to confirm your intention to format the currently selected partition. Formatting the partition DESTROYS ALL DATA (including files and programs) in the partition. As a precaution against accidental loss of data, you must enter the volume label to confirm the format operation. (The volume label is shown in the message above the text box.) Type the label, then choose OK to display the FORMAT PARTITION dialog box, or choose CANCEL to return to the Main Window. FORMAT PARTITION The FORMAT operation formats a partition, destroying all its data in the process. Formatting enables you to put a different file system on a partition. To ensure that you do not accidentally format a partition, you must first type the volume label. If you did not assign a volume label when you created the partition, you must type NO NAME to confirm deletion. NOTE: PartitionMagic has several conversion options that let you convert from one file system to another without destroying existing files in a partition. For more information, click HELP in any of the conversion dialogs or see "Converting Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. To format a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to format. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to format and click OPERATIONS > FORMAT on the menu bar. The FORMAT VERIFICATION dialog appears. 3. Type the current volume label. 4. Click CONTINUE to verify your intent to format the partition. The FORMAT PARTITION dialog appears. 5. From the PARTITION TYPE drop-down list, select the desired file system type. NOTE: If the partition is too small or too large, some partition types may not be available. 6. If you wish, type a label for the partition. 7. Click OK. 8. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 9. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 10. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 11. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is formatted. ZDMOVRSZ_HLP ZDIBMADD_HLP ZDCHECK_HLP ZDPREFS_HLP ZDIBMPRP_HLP ZDCOPY_HLP ZDINFO_HLP ZDCREATE_HLP ZDBOOTMAGIC_HLP BOOT_MANAGER_HLP FAT_FAT32_HLP RESIZE CLUSTERS The RESIZE CLUSTERS operation lets you change the cluster size on FAT and FAT32 partitions. Reducing cluster size may help you reclaim wasted space on your hard disk. NOTE: For more information on cluster size and use, see "Making Efficient Use of Disk Space" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD and "Resizing Clusters" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. The RESIZE CLUSTERS dialog displays the possible cluster sizes from 512 bytes to 64 KB. For each cluster size, PartitionMagic displays the following: a) A bar graph and percentages represent how much space would be used and how much space would be wasted if you chose that cluster size for the currently selected partition. b) Wasted space (in megabytes). c) The range of allowable partition sizes (in megabytes) or other information. If a cluster size requires a partition that is too small for the data and files on the partition, "Not Allowed" appears in the NOTES column. "Not Enabled" appears in the NOTES column for the 64 KB cluster size because it is only used for Windows NT. You can enable the 64 KB cluster size, but it is not recommended. For more information, see "Allow 64K FAT Clusters for Windows NT" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. The lower portion of the RESIZE CLUSTERS dialog displays information about the current and new cluster size, and the current and new partition size (based on the new cluster size). You can click the NEW CLUSTER SIZE drop-down list to change the cluster size. To resize clusters: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk containing the partition where you want to resize clusters. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the FAT or FAT32 partition where you want to resize clusters, and click OPERATIONS > ADVANCED > RESIZE CLUSTERS on the menu bar. The RESIZE CLUSTERS dialog appears. 3. Using the information in the dialog, decide which cluster size you want to use (and can use) and select it from the NEW CLUSTER SIZE drop-down list. PartitionMagic adheres to the established limits for partition and cluster sizes. You cannot select a cluster size that is invalid for the selected partition. NOTE: It is not recommended that you use the smallest cluster size on partitions containing a single, large file such as a database or swap file. WARNING! Do not choose the 64 KB cluster size unless this partition is only accessed by Windows NT and you have a 2-4 GB disk. 4. Click OK. 5. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 6. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 7. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 8. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The clusters are resized. RESIZE/MOVE PARTITION The RESIZE/MOVE operation lets you change the size of a partition and move it to another location on a hard disk. RESIZING PARTITIONS When you resize a partition, data is consolidated, not compressed. To make a partition smaller, unused space must exist within the partition. To enlarge a partition, there must be adjacent free space. If there is free space on the disk, but it is not adjacent to the partition you want to enlarge, adjust the location of the space by moving other partitions. Important! Exercise caution when resizing partitions smaller, especially a partition containing an operating system. Leave at least 50 MB more space in the partition than the operating system requires. Swap files, drivers, and other files may require the extra space. In certain instances, you cannot make a FAT partition larger when the partition contains no unused space. If you have a full partition and plenty of free space adjacent to it, yet are not able to enlarge your partition, you may have to delete some files in the partition so that PartitionMagic has room to work. You may be able to slightly enlarge the partition (1 MB or less) and then enlarge the partition a second time to provide the necessary buffer area for PartitionMagic. To see how much space is needed in a partition to resize past a cluster boundary, see the table in "Freeing Disk Space Before Enlarging a FAT Partition" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. NOTE: Occasionally, resizing a FAT partition displaces the first few files on the partition (such as IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS if the partition contains an operating system). If you resize a boot partition and then it fails to boot, move the displaced files back to the front of the disk. For information on doing this, contact technical support. See "PowerQuest Technical Support" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or Help for contact information. MOVING PARTITIONS When you move a partition, the partition's data (and data on other partitions) is unaffected. The free space adjacent to a partition determines the distance you can move it; if there is no free space, you cannot move the partition. Additionally, you cannot move unknown partitions, partitions failing the CHECK operation, or free space. Important! Exercise caution when moving a bootable partition. Operating systems can become unbootable if moved beyond certain boundaries. For more information, see "Creating Bootable Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. NOTE: For Resize/Move limitations, see the "Resizing and Moving Partitions" section of the PartitionMagic User Guide. STEPS TO RESIZE AND MOVE A PARTITION To resize and move a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you want to resize/move. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to resize/move and click OPERATIONS > RESIZE/MOVE on the menu bar. The RESIZE/MOVE PARTITION dialog appears. The current size of the partition is shown on a partition map at the top of the dialog. The map also depicts the used and unused space within the partition and the free space surrounding the partition (if any exists). The minimum and maximum sizes to which you can resize the partition appear below the map. 4. To move the partition, a. Place the pointer on the partition. b. Click and drag the partition to the desired location. Hint: There must be free space adjacent to the partition in order to move it. If there is none, and the partition contains unused space, make the partition smaller and then move the partition. 5. To resize the partition, a. Place the pointer on the left or right partition handle. b. Click and drag the handle until the desired partition size is reached. You can also resize the partition by typing new values in the FREE SPACE BEFORE, NEW SIZE, and FREE SPACE AFTER boxes or by clicking the arrows next to the boxes. The values you enter may change slightly to values supported by the drive's geometry. The arrow buttons resize the partition by the minimum increment, allowing you to make very fine adjustments. Changes are reflected in the partition map. NOTE: To make a partition smaller, unused space must exist within the partition. To enlarge a partition, there must be free space adjacent to it. 6. If desired, click the CLUSTER SIZE drop-down list and select a new size. PartitionMagic changes the FREE SPACE BEFORE, NEW SIZE, and FREE SPACE AFTER values to show how the partition size is affected. NOTE: This option is only available for FAT and FAT32 partitions. For more information, see "Resizing Clusters" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. 7. Click OK. 8. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 9. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 10. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 11. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is resized and moved. ADDING A PARTITION TO THE IBM BOOT MANAGER STARTUP MENU To add a partition to the startup menu: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Click ADD. 3. Select the partition you want to add. 4. Click OK. Boot Manager displays information about the partition, such as the volume name and partition type. Boot Manager displays the volume name in the startup menu unless you specify a different name. 5. To change the name that represents the partition in the startup menu, type a new name in the NEW NAME box. NOTE: Consider choosing a name that identifies the operating system on the partition. Only the first eight characters you type appear in the startup menu. 6. Click OK. 7. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. CHECK PARTITION The CHECK operation checks the integrity of a partition. If a Check operation fails, "Check Failed" appears in the USED and FREE columns in the partition list. You should fix any errors encountered. For more information, see "Resolving Check Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. NOTE: CHECK does not display information about the status and structure of a partition as do the DOS, Windows, and OS/2 CHKDSK utilities. To view that information, use the INFO option. For details, see "Getting Information About Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. When you select CHECK, the CHECK PARTITION RESULTS dialog appears, displaying information about the status of the partition. NOTE: If CHECK finds an error, such as cross-linked files, lost clusters, or bad directory information on an NTFS volume and can fix it, a FIX button appears at the bottom of the dialog. For each error found, CHECK displays the following: a) SEVERITY describes the seriousness of the problem, which can be one of the following: Info: The information given is helpful, but not critical. Does not correspond to any error. WARNING! The error may or may not cause problems. Error: A problem was encountered, but PartitionMagic may still be able to make changes to the partition. Run ScanDisk or CHKDSK to fix the error, or click Fix, if available. Critical: A catastrophic problem. PartitionMagic cannot make any changes to the partition. b) FIXED displays Yes for each problem you fix on an NTFS volume. Not applicable for FAT, FAT32, or HPFS partitions. c) NUMBER shows a number corresponding to the error. For more information, see "Error Messages and Solutions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. d) DESCRIPTION gives a brief description of the problem. If CHECK does not discover any errors, an INFO entry appears with "Check Complete" in the DESCRIPTION column. To check a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to check. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to check and click OPERATIONS > CHECK on the menu bar. The CHECK PARTITION RESULTS dialog appears. 3. To fix an error on an NTFS volume, highlight the problem and click FIX. 4. When you are finished viewing the check results and fixing NTFS errors, click CLOSE. For more information about correcting errors, see "Resolving Check Errors" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. PREFERENCES MENU >From the GENERAL menu, you can change various program preferences. Each preference is a toggle and, like a light switch, is either on (enabled) or off (disabled). A check mark next to a preference indicates it is enabled. SYSTEM SUPPORTS FAT32 SYSTEM SUPPORTS FAT32 indicates whether the current operating system supports FAT32 partitions. Windows 95B (OEM Service Release 2), Windows 98, and Windows NT 5.0 support FAT32 partitions; other operating systems do not. ALLOW 64K FAT CLUSTERS FOR WINDOWS NT This preference lets you create FAT partitions with 64 KB clusters, which enables Windows NT to support large hard disks. Because DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98 do not support cluster sizes larger than 32 KB, you should never access a 64 KB partition using these operating systems. You should only use 64 KB partitions with Windows NT. Important! If you are using multiple operating systems, we recommend not using 64 KB clusters. To prevent you from inadvertently creating partitions with 64 KB clusters, this preference is disabled every time you exit PartitionMagic. When enabled, the 64 KB cluster size is available in the RESIZE/MOVE PARTITION and RESIZE CLUSTERS dialogs. To enable or disable this preference: 1. In the main window, click GENERAL > PREFERENCES. 2. Click ALLOW 64K FAT CLUSTERS FOR WINDOWS NT. 3. Click OK. IGNORE OS/2 EA ERRORS ON FAT This preference tells PartitionMagic whether or not to ignore OS/2 Extended Attribute errors when it checks a FAT partition. WARNING! If OS/2 is on your computer, do not enable this preference. Data loss could occur because problems might go undetected. To enable or disable this preference: 1. In the main window, click GENERAL > PREFERENCES. 2. Click IGNORE OS/2 EA ERRORS ON FAT. 3. Click OK. SKIP BAD SECTOR CHECKS When PartitionMagic modifies partitions, it performs extensive testing to detect bad sectors on your hard disk. Newer disk types (such as Enhanced IDE and SCSI) often handle bad sectors internally, making such testing superfluous. For this reason, PartitionMagic lets you bypass these tests with SKIP BAD SECTOR CHECKS. When this preference is enabled, the RESIZE/MOVE, CREATE, COPY, and FORMAT operations run faster. WARNING! If you skip bad sector checks and your hard disk has bad sectors, data loss can result. PartitionMagic lets you set this preference individually for each of your hard disks. If your system has an older disk and a newer one, you could check the older disk and skip the newer one. A check mark next to a disk means to skip bad sector checking for that disk. To enable or disable this preference: 1. In the main window, click GENERAL > PREFERENCES. 2. In the SKIP BAD SECTOR CHECKS box, click the box next to the disk(s) you want enabled or disabled. 3. Click OK. SET AS READ-ONLY FOR PARTITIONMAGIC This preference lets you prevent PartitionMagic from making any changes to a hard disk. Exceptions include: a) If the disk contains the boot partition, some files may be changed, such as the Windows NT boot initialization file. b) If you tell PartitionMagic to run DriveMapper automatically, certain files, such as initialization files and shortcut files, may be changed. You can set this preference individually for each of your hard disks. To enable or disable this preference: 1. In the main window, click GENERAL > PREFERENCES. 2. In the SET AS READ-ONLY FOR PARTITIONMAGIC box, click the box next to the disk(s) you want enabled or disabled. 3. Click OK. VIEWING MENU ITEM PROPERTIES To view menu item properties such as the partition's volume name and type: 1. In the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION on the menu bar. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Select the menu item in the MENU NAME list. 3. Click PROPERTIES. Hint: You can also double-click a menu item to view its properties. To view partition information in addition to menu item names in the startup menu, mark the ADVANCED BOOT MENU OPTIONS box. COPY PARTITION# The COPY operation lets you to make an exact duplicate of a partition. The copy is the same size (or slightly different if copied to another physical disk with a different geometry) and file type and contains the same data as the original. When you copy a partition, you specify the hard disk and the free space where you want to place the copy. Important! In order to copy a partition, you must have free space that is equal to or larger than the partition. To copy a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the partition you wish to copy. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to copy and click OPERATIONS > COPY on the menu bar. The COPY PARTITION dialog appears. 4. From the PHYSICAL DRIVES drop-down list, select the disk where you want to copy the partition. 5. In the partition list, select the free space where you want to copy the partition. 6. Click OK. 7. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 8. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 9. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 10. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is copied. PARTITION INFORMATION The INFO operation displays information about the status and structure of a selected partition. To view partition information: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk containing the partition for which you wish to view information. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition on which you want to view information and click OPERATIONS > INFO on the menu bar. The PARTITION INFORMATION dialog appears. Information is displayed in tabbed pages. To view a page, click its associated tab, which is always visible at the top of the pages. Based on the file system the partition uses, different pages appear. 4. Click the tab for the page you wish to view. NOTE: Each page is described in the following sections. 5. Click CLOSE when you are finished viewing information. DISK USAGE The DISK USAGE page is available for the FAT, FAT32, NTFS, and HPFS file systems. This page displays the following information in bytes, megabytes, and as a percentage: a) Used space on the partition, including space wasted by clusters b) Free space on the partition c) Bad space on the partition d) Total space on the partition (the sum of Used, Free, and Bad space) PartitionMagic also displays this information graphically in a pie chart. CLUSTER WASTE The CLUSTER WASTE page applies only to partitions using the FAT or FAT32 file systems. This page displays the following information: a) Current Cluster Size in bytes or kilobytes b) Data stored on the partition in bytes and megabytes c) Wasted space on the partition in bytes and megabytes d) Total used space in bytes and megabytes (the sum of Data and Wasted space) PartitionMagic also displays this information graphically in a bar chart. PARTITION INFO The PARTITION INFO page is available for all types of partitions, including free space and extended partitions. Information on this page includes the following: a) PARTITION TYPE is shown in hexadecimal followed by a text description of the partition or file system type (such as FAT, FAT32, NTFS, HPFS, etc.). The hexadecimal designation is the conventional way to display partition types. b) SERIAL NUMBER is shown if the partition's file system uses serial numbers. The lower portion of the page shows physical information about the partition: a) FIRST PHYSICAL SECTOR shows the logical number and the location (cylinder, head, and sector) where the partition begins. b) LAST PHYSICAL SECTOR shows the logical number and the location (cylinder, head, and sector) where the partition ends. c) TOTAL PHYSICAL SECTORS displays the number of sectors in the partition. d) PHYSICAL GEOMETRY shows the total number of cylinders, heads, and sectors on the physical disk where the partition resides. FILE SYSTEM-SPECIFIC INFO PAGES The last page in the PARTITION INFORMATION dialog corresponds to the file system used on the selected partition. For example, if the file system is FAT or FAT32, the page is FAT Info; if the file system is NTFS, the page is NTFS Info, etc. FAT INFO This page applies to partitions using the FAT or FAT32 file systems. The first section provides the following information: a) SECTORS PER FAT shows the number of sectors in each file allocation table and the number of file allocation tables on the selected partition. b) ROOT DIRECTORY CAPACITY shows the number of possible entries and the number of sectors in the root directory. Because a FAT32 root directory can grow as needed, this line is blank for FAT32 partitions. c) FIRST FAT SECTOR shows the logical sector number within the partition where the FAT begins. d) FIRST DATA SECTOR shows the logical sector number within the partition where the data portion of the partition begins. The next section provides the following information: a) The number of bytes in files on the partition, the number of files, and the number of those files that are hidden b) The number of bytes in directories on the partition, the number of directories, and the number of those directories that are hidden The final section of this page, FAT EXTENSIONS, provides the following information: a) The number of bytes used for OS/2 Extended Attributes and the number of files and directories affected by Extended Attributes b) The number of bytes used for long filenames and the number of files and directories using long filenames NTFS INFO This page applies to partitions using the NTFS file system. The first section shows the following information: a) NTFS VERSION shows the version number. The most recent version is 1.2. b) BYTES PER NTFS SECTOR displays the number of bytes in each logical sector on the selected partition. (There are always 512 bytes in each physical sector.) c) CLUSTER SIZE displays the size of each cluster and the number of sectors in each cluster on the selected partition. d) FIRST MFT CLUSTER shows the logical number of the first cluster in the master file table (MFT). e) FILE RECORD SIZE gives the size of file records in the MFT. The next section displays information similar to that shown by NT CHKDSK: a) The number of files on the partition and the bytes and clusters al located to them b) The number of wasted bytes in file clusters c) The number of indexes (directories) and the bytes and clusters allocated to them d) The number of bytes and clusters reserved for other system structures HPFS INFO This page applies to partitions using the HPFS file system. The first section displays the following information: a) PARTITION STATUS shows one or more of these values: Active: OS/2 is running and data has been written to the partition. Dirty: Windows NT or OS/2 was shut down improperly and is not running. Corrupt: One or more sectors are bad, and the partition needs to be checked. Hot Fixes: Problems have been hot fixed. Not Active: The partition is not in use. b) DIRBLOCK SECTORS shows the range of sectors in the DirBlock band. The DirBlock band is usually preallocated near the center of the disk to reduce head movement. c) FREE DIRBLOCKS displays the number of unused DirBlocks in the DirBlock band and the total number of DirBlocks. If the DirBlock band fills up, additional DirBlocks are allocated from the data area. d) HOTFIXES USED displays the number of hotfix sectors used and the total number of hotfix sectors available. Hotfix sectors are used temporarily to handle write errors. CHKDSK /F transfers the data from a hotfix sector to a good sector and makes the hotfix sector available again. The last section displays information similar to that shown by OS/2 CHKDSK, including: a) The number of bytes and files on the partition and the number of sectors used for files b) The number of unused bytes in file sectors, which is equivalent to wasted bytes in FAT clusters. (Because HPFS allocates space by sectors, less space is wasted than in FAT clusters.) c) The number of bytes in directories, the number of directories on the partition, and the number of sectors used for directories d) The number of bytes in file/dir Fnodes, also shown as a number of sectors NOTE: An Fnode is a key structural element of the HPFS file system. Each Fnode is 512 bytes (one sector). One Fnode exists for each file or directory in the partition. e) Number of bytes reserved by the system, also shown as a number of sectors f: Number of bytes used for Extended Attributes (EAs) CREATE PARTITION The CREATE operation lets you create primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical partitions. On a single hard disk, you can have up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions and one extended partition. Within an extended partition, you can create unlimited additional subdivisions called logical partitions. If you do not know what type of partition you want to create, see "Understanding Partitions" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. To create a partition, free space must exist on the hard disk. If there is none, use RESIZE/MOVE to make partitions smaller and adjust their location until the free space is in the desired location. For more information, see "Resizing and Moving Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. Creating a new partition can make your drive letters change, causing applications not to run because application shortcuts, initialization files, and registry entries refer to incorrect drives. For information on why drive letters change, see "How the OS Assigns Drive Letters" and "Problems Caused by Drive Letter Changes" in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. For information on updating your drive mappings, see "Changing Drive Letter References with DriveMapper" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. After creating a partition, you can move applications to the partition using MagicMover. For more information, see "Moving Applications with MagicMover" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. CREATING BOOTABLE PARTITIONS Before creating a partition where you plan to install an operating system (a bootable partition), you should review the "Creating Bootable Partitions" section of the PartitionMagic User Guide. STEPS TO CREATE A PARTITION NOTE: The steps outlined below are for a single hard disk, single partition system. If you have a different configuration, the exact process and available options may differ slightly. For examples of creating partitions on more complex systems, see the Scenario section of "Creating Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. To create a partition: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk where you wish to create the new partition. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select a block of free space. If no free space exists, you must resize or delete an existing partition to create free space. For instructions on resizing and deleting partitions, see "Resizing and Moving Partitions" and "Deleting Partitions" in Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. 3. Click OPERATIONS > CREATE on the menu bar. The CREATE PARTITION dialog appears. 4. In the CREATE AS box, click LOGICAL PARTITION or PRIMARY PARTITION. If you select LOGICAL PARTITION, PartitionMagic automatically creates an extended partition to enclose the logical partition, or, if you already have an extended partition, resizes the extended partition larger to encompass the logical partition (the free space must be inside of or adjacent to the extended partition). If LOGICAL PARTITION is unavailable, you may already have four primary partitions on the hard disk. Or, if you have an extended partition, you may not have selected a block of free space inside of or adjacent to the extended partition. 5. From the PARTITION TYPE drop-down list, select the desired file system type: a) FAT is the most common file system type. It is used by DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and OS/2. b) FAT32 is used by Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2, Windows 98, and Windows NT 5.0. c) HPFS is used by OS/2 and Windows NT 3.51 (and earlier versions). d) NTFS is used only by Windows NT. e) Linux Ext2 is used only by Linux. f) Linux Swap is used only by Linux. g) EXTENDED creates an extended partition which can contain any number of logical partitions. EXTENDED is not an option if the hard disk already contains an extended partition or four primary partitions. h) UNFORMATTED creates unformatted free space on your hard drive. 6. If you wish, enter a label (up to 11 alphanumeric characters) for the new partition. Descriptive labels help remind you what is stored in a partition (for example, DATA, APPS, WIN95, etc.). 7. In the SIZE box, enter the desired size for the partition. PartitionMagic automatically calculates a recommended size (based on the most efficient use of disk space), which you can accept or change. 8. If the size you specified for the new partition is smaller than the available free space, you can position the partition at the beginning or end of the free space. Generally, it is best to position the partition at the beginning of the free space. In the POSITION box, click BEGINNING OF FREE SPACE or END OF FREE SPACE. 9. In the DRIVE LETTER field, note the drive letter that will be assigned to the new partition after reboot. NOTE: If you create a primary partition, because only one primary partition can be active at a time, the new primary partition is automatically given a hidden status and no drive letter assignment. An exception is Windows NT which can handle multiple primary active partitions. If you are running Windows NT, in the DRIVE LETTER box, type or select the drive letter you wish to assign to the partition. 10. Click OK. 11. In th e lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 12. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 13. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 14. If you created a logical partition, after the changes are made, PartitionMagic displays a message indicating that Windows must restart. Click OK twice to return to the PartitionMagic main window, and then shut down all programs and reboot the computer. When the computer restarts, the operating system assigns the new partition a drive letter. BOOTMAGIC MAIN WINDOW HELPW BootMagic is a PowerQuest application included with PartitionMagic that helps you run multiple operating systems on a single computer. Each time you start or restart your computer, BootMagic presents a list of available operating systems from which you can select the operating system you want to boot. BootMagic has a configuration window you can access from PartitionMagic that lets you select and arrange the operating systems you want to appear as boot-up choices. For more information about installing BootMagic and changing your BootMagic configuration, see the BootMagic User Guide. CONFIGURING IBM BOOT MANAGER IBM Boot Manager is not included with PartitionMagic 4.0 (it was included with a previous version). However, if you have installed Boot Manager on your computer, you can access its configuration dialog from PartitionMagic. The configuration dialog lets you place items on the Boot Manager startup menu. The items on the startup menu represent bootable partitions (those containing operating systems). WARNING! Do not add partitions to the startup menu that do not contain operating systems. You will not be able to boot from those partitions. ADDING A PARTITION TO THE STARTUP MENU To add a partition to the startup menu: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Click ADD. 3. Select the partition you want to add. 4. Click OK. Boot Manager displays information about the partition, such as the volume name and partition type. Boot Manager displays the volume name in the startup menu unless you specify a different name. 5. To change the name that represents the partition in the startup menu, type a new name in the NEW NAME box. NOTE: Consider choosing a name that identifies the operating system on the partition. Only the first eight characters you type appear in the startup menu. 6. Click OK. 7. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. DELETING A PARTITION FROM THE STARTUP MENU To delete a partition from the startup menu: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. In the MENU NAME list, select the menu name representing the partition you wish to delete. 3. Click DELETE. 4. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. SETTING THE DEFAULT PARTITION To set the default partition you want to boot: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. In the MENU NAME list, select the menu name representing the partition you want to set as the default. 3. Click SET AS DEFAULT. YES appears in the Default column next to the menu name. 4. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. VIEWING MENU ITEM PROPERTIES To view menu item properties such as the partition's volume name and type: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Select the menu item in the MENU NAME list. 3. Click PROPERTIES. Hint: You can also double-click a menu item to view its properties. To view partition information in addition to menu item names in the startup menu, mark the ADVANCED BOOT MENU OPTIONS box. CHANGING MENU ITEM NAMES To change menu item names: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Type a new name in the NEW NAME box. 3. Click OK. 4. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. SPECIFYING STARTUP DELAYS To specify how long the startup menu displays before Boot Manager starts an operating system: 1. From the menu bar in the PartitionMagic main window, click TOOLS > IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION. NOTE: IBM Boot Manager does not appear on the TOOLS menu unless you have Boot Manager installed on your computer. The IBM BOOT MANAGER CONFIGURATION dialog appears, listing the bootable partitions that appear in the startup menu. 2. Select one of the following options in the STARTUP DELAY box: a) NONE: Boot Manager immediately starts the operating system on the default partition. b) INDEFINITE: The startup menu displays until you make a selection. c) TIMED: The startup menu displays for the amount of time specified in the SECONDS box before starting the operating system on the default partition. During this time, you can choose a different operating system. 3. Click SAVE/EXIT to save the configuration. CONVERTING FAT TO FAT32$ The CONVERT FAT TO FAT32 operation converts a FAT partition to FAT32. FAT32 partitions have less wasted disk space than FAT partitions (see "Resizing Clusters" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Cluster Analysis" in Help for more information); however, you should be aware of these issues: a) You must have Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2, Windows 98, or Windows NT 5.0 to access files on a FAT32 partition. b) If you are using multiple operating systems, FAT32 partitions are inaccessible when the other operating systems are running. c) Some laptops have a sleep mode that saves all memory to disk. Because this function sometimes requires a FAT partition, consult your laptop manual or contact the manufacturer before converting to FAT32. NOTE: The minimum size for a FAT32 partition is 256 MB. To convert from FAT to FAT32: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk containing the partition you wish to convert. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to convert and click OPERATIONS > CONVERT > CONVERT FAT TO FAT32 on the menu bar. The CONVERT PARTITION TO FAT32 dialog appears. 3. To continue with the conversion, click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is converted. FAT_HPFS_HLP CONVERT_FAT32_TO_FAT_HLP! GNRL_TRBLSHTNG_HLP" ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP# ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP2$ ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP3% ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP4& ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP5' ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP6( CONVERTING FAT TO HPFS The CONVERT FAT TO HPFS operation converts a FAT partition to HPFS. During this operation, PartitionMagic preserves data, long filenames (created by Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98), and Workplace shell long name Extended Attributes. WARNING! You must have OS/2 to access files on an HPFS partition. Without it, you will lose all files on the converted partition. Proceed with caution when performing this conversion, as it cannot be reversed. To convert from FAT to HPFS: 1. Back up the data on your boot drive. Because the conversion cannot be reversed, we strongly recommend that you take this precautionary step. NOTE: If a Corrective Service Facility (CSF) has been applied to your version of OS/2, you need to make new Install/Utility diskettes and use them in place of your original OS/2 diskettes. 2. Reboot your system (either from a diskette, from a partition other than the one you are converting, or from DOS). 3. Run PartitionMagic from a partition other than the one you are converting. 4. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk containing the partition you want to convert. 5. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to convert and click OPERATIONS > CONVERT > CONVERT FAT TO HPFS on the menu bar. The CONVERT PARTITION TO HPFS dialog appears, displaying important information about the conversion. 6. To continue with the conversion, click OK. 7. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 8. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 9. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 10. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. Important! Complete the remaining steps only if the partition you converted to HPFS contains OS/2. 10. Copy SYSINSTX.COM from the OS/2 Installation Disk to the root of the new HPFS partition. 11. Copy UHPFS.DLL from the OS/2 Disk 2 to the root of the new HPFS partition. (If you have an OS/2 CD-ROM, consult your IBM documentation for instructions on creating a diskette from the disk image.) 12. Change to the new HPFS partition by typing drive: (where drive is the drive letter of the partition you converted from FAT to HPFS). 13. From the root of the new HPFS partition, type SYSINSTX drive: (where drive is the drive letter of the partition you converted from FAT to HPFS). 14. Verify that HPFS.IFS is listed in the CONFIG.SYS file similar to the following: IFS=C:\OS2\HPFS.IFS /CACHE:256 /CRECL:4 /AUTOCHECK:C If this line is not present, add it, replacing C: and :C with the drive letter of the partition you just converted. Important! If you want to be able to boot to the command line using , make this change to all CONFIG.* files in \OS2\BOOT. 15. Verify that HPFS.IFS is present in the OS2 directory. If not, copy it from OS/2 Installation Disk 1. Your HPFS partition is now bootable. CONVERTING FAT32 TO FAT% The CONVERT FAT32 TO FAT operation converts a FAT32 partition to FAT. To complete this conversion, the partition must have at least 300-400 MB free space because of how the FAT file system allocates disk space for file storage. To convert a FAT32 partition to FAT: 1. From the DISK drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk containing the partition you want to convert. 2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to convert and click OPERATIONS > CONVERT > CONVERT FAT32 TO FAT on the menu bar. NOTE: At this point, PartitionMagic may report too many root directory entries (the maximum number of entries in a FAT partition's root directory is limited, unlike a FAT32 partition's root directory). In this case, move or copy some of the files in the root directory to another location and then start the conversion again. The CONVERT PARTITION TO FAT dialog appears 3. To continue with the conversion, click OK. 4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click APPLY. NOTE: You may perform other partition operations and then click APPLY after completing all of them. 5. Click YES to confirm that you want to apply the changes. 6. The BATCH PROGRESS dialog appears, tracking the following items: Description of current operation\ Entire process progress bar Sub-process progress bars 7. When all operations are complete, click OK to close the BATCH PROGRESS dialog and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is converted. GENERAL TROUBLE SHOOTINGc This section addresses the following situations: a) Making the Operating System Assign a CD-ROM Drive Letter b) Using PartitionMagic with a SCSI Hard Disk c) Resolving Check Errors d) Partition Tables and Viruses MAKING THE OPERATING SYSTEM ASSIGN A CD-ROM DRIVE LETTER If your computer has a CD-ROM drive or any form of removable media, you should be aware of potential problems caused by the way drive letters are assigned to these devices. If you are using Windows NT, you can change drive letter assignments with PartitionMagic; otherwise, this is a function of the operating system. The operating system assigns drive letters in this order: (1) the first recognized primary partition on each hard disk, (2) all logical partitions on each hard disk, (3) any other primary partitions on each hard disk, and (4) the CD-ROM drive and any other forms of removable media. For more information, see "How the OS Assigns Drive Letters," in Basic Concepts on the PartitionMagic CD. Because the CD-ROM is one of the last drives to receive a letter, any partition you create or delete on any of your hard disks affects the drive letter assignment of your CD-ROM drive. Occasionally, the operating system may not assign a drive letter to the CD-ROM drive. If this occurs, complete the steps outlined below. If you are using DOS or Windows 3.x or are loading your CD-ROM drivers under DOS with Windows 95 or Windows 98 (if you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, see below): 1. Go to a DOS prompt. 2. Type EDIT C:\CONFIG.SYS. NOTE: Your CONFIG.SYS file opens in the DOS editor program. Look for this line: LASTDRIVE=drive (where drive is any letter of the alphabet). Change drive to Z. This allows the OS to assign all drive letters through Z. 3. If your CONFIG.SYS file does not contain the LASTDRIVE=drive statement, you can add it by simply typing LASTDRIVE=Z. 4. Select FILE > EXIT. 5. When you are prompted to save the file, select YES. You should be back to a C:\> prompt. 6. Type EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT. 7. Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file opens in the DOS editor program. Look for a line that includes the word "MSCDEX." The /L:drive parameter (where drive is the drive letter assigned to your CD-ROM before you made changes with PartitionMagic) may appear at the end of this line. Change drive to Z. Because the OS assigns all other available drive letters before assigning Z, this ensures that partition changes you make in the future do not invalidate your CD-ROM drive letter. For more information, type HELP MSCDEX at a DOS prompt. NOTE: If your computer is on a network, when you log in to the network, the letter "Z" and other letters at the end of the alphabet may be assigned to network search drives. In this case, assign your CD-ROM a letter immediately preceding the last letter used by the network search drives. 8. Select FILE > EXIT. 9. When you are prompted to save the file, select YES. 10. When you see the DOS prompt (C:\), reboot your machine. If you are using Windows 95/98 and Windows 95/98 drivers for the CD-ROM: 1. On the toolbar, click START > SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL. 2. Double-click SYSTEM. 3. Click the DEVICE MANAGER tab. 4. Double-click CD-ROM. 5. Double-click the name of your CD-ROM drive. 6. Select the SETTINGS tab. 7. In the START DRIVE LETTER and END DRIVE LETTER boxes, type or select Z. Because the OS assigns all other available drive letters before assigning Z, this ensures that partition changes you make in the future do not invalidate your CD-ROM drive letter. 8. Click OK to close the SETTINGS page. 9. Click OK to close the SYSTEM PROPERTIES dialog. 10. When prompted to restart your computer, click YES. USING PARTITIONMAGIC WITH A SCSI HARD DISK To use PartitionMagic on a SCSI hard disk, you must have a SCSI controller card that supports software Interrupt 13. Most SCSI controller cards let you enable software Interrupt 13 support in the BIOS through the card. If your SCSI controller card does not, contact the manufacturer to determine if your adapter can support software Interrupt 13. As a general rule, PartitionMagic or FDISK can be used to partition the disk. RESOLVING CHECK ERRORS PartitionMagic checks the integrity of a partition thoroughly before making changes to it. The CHECK and INFO operations perform the same checks and display error messages when they discover problems. For more information, see "Checking Partitions," and "Getting Information About Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. You may also access the Check and Info options in Help. These checks are substantially identical to those made by an operating system's CHKDSK, ScanDisk, or AUTOCHK utility. PartitionMagic also checks a partition after modifying it. If this check fails, report the problem to PowerQuest technical support. See "PowerQuest Technical Support" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or Help for contact information. While data loss is possible, it is not typical. The problem is usually a minor file system error that CHKDSK /F (or ScanDisk, if you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98) can correct without data loss. For more extensive errors, you may need to restore your files from a backup copy. If you receive a ChecA k error message on any partition, back up your hard disk and then run your operating system's CHKDSK program on that partition (do not use the /F switch on the initial run). If you have MS-DOS 6.x, Windows 95, or Windows 98, run ScanDisk. CHKDSK and ScanDisk generally discover the same problems as PartitionMagic (except that the DOS CHKDSK program does not detect problems in Extended Attributes). If CHKDSK or ScanDisk does not show the same errors as the Check operation, contact technical support. See "PowerQuest Technical Support" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or Help for contact information. If CHKDSK or ScanDisk and the Check operation detect the same errors, which is usually the case, run CHKDSK with the /F switch or run ScanDisk to fix the problems. Then run CHKDSK again without the /F switch to ensure that the partition is error free. Under OS/2, perform this procedure (running CHKDSK without /F) twice. When CHKDSK reports no errors on the partition, run the Check operation. If PartitionMagic still reports a problem, reformat the partition and restore your files from the backup copy. RESOLVING PARTITION TABLE ERRORS Unless instructions specify otherwise, you must resolve partition table errors by creating new, error-free partition tables. The general steps are: (1) ensure you have no viruses (see below), (2) back up the data on the affected partitions, (3) delete the partitions, (4) recreate them, and (5) restore their contents. You may need to use the FDISK program from a recent DOS version, as earlier versions may refuse to delete HPFS or hidden partitions, and the OS/2 FDISK program may recognize the partition's corruption and refuse to modify it. PARTITION TABLES AND VIRUSES If partition changes made under one operating system are not reflected under another, and vice versa, it is possible that a master boot record (MBR) virus is present. Use a virus check utility that can detect the latest viruses. If a virus is found, data loss is likely. Before removing the virus, boot each operating system and use the Check operation to evaluate the integrity of the partition. Back up the files on any partition that passes the Check operation. Then remove the virus and perform the Check operation on the partitions again. Delete and recreate any partitions that fail the check. Finally, reinstall the operating systems and restore the backup files as necessary. ERROR MESSAGES AND SOLUTIONS* PartitionMagic error messages and possible solutions are listed below by number. The messages are also grouped in number ranges by error category. NOTE: If you encounter an error not mentioned in this appendix, visit PowerQuest's website at http://www.powerquest.com for a current listing. ERRORS ( 3-38) MISCELLANEOUST #3 Not enough memory This error can occur when you are resizing, moving, or copying a FAT32 partition. For more information about memory requirements, see "PartitionMagic System Requirements" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. The DOS PartitionMagic executable requires a minimum of 585 KB of memory in the first 640 KB of the computer's address space (conventional memory) and 8 MB of total memory. For possible solutions if you have insufficient conventional memory, see "Freeing Conventional Memory to Run PartitionMagic DOS Text Mode Executable" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. #8 Could not allocate/deallocate DOS real mode memory The DOS PartitionMagic executable running under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98 requires some memory in the first 1 MB of the computer's address space (PartitionMagic uses a DOS extender). If not enough memory is available, PartitionMagic cannot access the hard disk. For possible solutions, see "Freeing Conventional Memory to Run PartitionMagic DOS Text Mode Executable" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. #23 Unsupported version of operating system The operating system versions that are required to run PartitionMagic are listed in the System Requirements table in the introduction of the PartitionMagic User Guide. #27 Cannot lock drive Under multitasking operating systems such as Windows 95, PartitionMagic must lock a partition before it can safely modify it. If the hard disk contains files that are in use by another process, PartitionMagic cannot lock the partition. #34 This beta or evaluation version is no longer safe to use PowerQuest occasionally releases beta versions and evaluation versions of PartitionMagic. Both versions are not as safe as release versions; therefore, PowerQuest builds an expiration date into each version. After a predetermined test period, the beta or evaluation version no longer functions. #36 DPMI Server error PartitionMagic DOS executables use a DOS extender. This error indicates a failure during a call made from PartitionMagic through the DOS extender (to DOS or to the BIOS). The DOS extender may be in conflict with other programs that use extended memory. DOS would load the conflicting programs from your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file during the normal boot sequence. You may be able to resolve this problem by pressing while booting DOS. After DOS boots and starts to read the commands from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, DOS asks you if you want to execute each command. When you see commands that load device drivers or TSR programs that you think might be conflicting with the PartitionMagic DOS extender, answer N (no) to tell DOS not to execute that command (not to load that software into memory). You can often find a program configuration that enables PartitionMagic (the DOS extender) to run without error. ERRORS ( 40-56) DISK ACCESS Errors in the 40-56 number range indicate that accessing your disk is not possible, and often result from hardware problems. Some problems may have simple solutions; for others, the only solution may be replacing the hard disk. When possible, PartitionMagic detects major errors before any changes have been made so you can back up your data before replacing the hard disk. #49 Write fault #50 Read fault (The following information applies to errors 49 and 50.) PartitionMagic is unable to write to/read from a specific sector on the hard disk. Possible causes include: 1. If your PC beeps or displays a black box in the middle of the screen, virus protection is enabled in your computer's BIOS. Disable virus or boot sector protection in the BIOS. 2. A virus protection application (which may be a TSR or DLL program) is in use. Disable the application before using PartitionMagic. 3. There is a bad sector on the hard disk (this is usually the case only with older hard disks). Run ScanDisk on the hard disk to perform a surface scan to verify the existence of bad sectors. If your drive has bad sectors, we recommend you replace it. 4. You have set up disk mirroring with PC-Tools. Disable the disk mirroring option. ERRORS ( 70-72) MISCELLANEOUS~ #70 Windows was detected If you are using Windows 3.x, you cannot run PartitionMagic for Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT. You must run PartitionMagic for DOS from a DOS prompt. #71 DesqVIEW was detected Because PartitionMagic makes low-level changes to your hard disk, it must have exclusive access to the disk in order to keep your data safe. Exit DesqVIEW before running PartitionMagic. #72 DOS Shell was detected Because PartitionMagic makes low-level changes to your hard disk, it must have exclusive access to the disk in order to keep your data safe. Exit DOS Shell before running PartitionMagic. ERRORS ( 100-199) PARTITION TABLEj"Errors in the 100-199 number range are partition table errors. For general information about resolving these errors, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" and "Partition Tables and Viruses" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #100 Partition table is bad The master boot record (MBR) can contain, at most, one extended partition, and each extended partition boot record (EPBR) can contain, at most, one link to another EPBR. This error occurs when a partition table violates the foregoing rule. It can also occur if you have more than one active partition. Since any modifications PartitionMagic makes may decrease the amount of data that is recoverable from the hard disk, PartitionMagic does not recognize any of the hard disk's partitions. If you must create new, error-free partition tables to resolve your problem, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #104 No sectors in partition No partition should contain zero sectors. Delete the partition before using PartitionMagic. #105 Partition starts on wrong boundary The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic expects partitions to begin and end on the correct cylinder boundaries. If they do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this circumstance, if PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause the loss of data. Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk's partitions. To resolve this problem, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #106 Partition doesn't start with sector one See error #105. #107 Partition begins after end of disk This error can occur if a partition erroneously extends beyond the physical end of the hard disk. This may happen if the hard disk has been used on a different computer or with a different hard-disk controller or if BIOS settings have been changed. Be advised that the physical geometry of the hard disk may differ from the logical geometry assigned to the hard disk by the operating system. #108 Partition doesn't end at end of cylinder See error #105. #109 Partition ends after end of disk See error #107. #110 Partition table number of sectors is inconsistent The hard-disk partition table contains two inconsistent descriptions of the number of sectors on the hard disk. This error is serious if both DOS and another operating system use the hard disk. Because DOS uses one description and other operating systems may use the other, data loss is likely once the partition is almost full. To resolve this error, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #111 Logical partition starts outside Extended The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. All logical partitions must be totally contained within the extended partition. To resolve this error, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #112 Logical partition ends outside Extended See error #111. #113 Partitions overlap The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. If data partitions overlap, writing to one may destroy data in another. This error is sometimes the result of an OS/2 FDISK bug. If free space exists within the extended partition, OS/2's FDISK program allows a primary partition to be created that overlaps the extended partition. A logical partition is subsequently created in the space occupied by the overlapping primary partition. If a primary partition overlaps the end of the extended partition but does not overlap any logical partitions within the extended partition, the problem can be remedied by patching the partition table. Only qualified individuals should attempt this repair! An incorrect patch could destroy all data on the hard disk! In most instances, you should resolve the problem as explained in "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #116 Partition table Begin and Start inconsistent The hard-disk partition table contains two inconsistent descriptions of the partition's starting sector. This error can occur if the operating system reports a hard-disk geometry that is different than the geometry in use when the partition table was written. Possible causes include: (1) different operating systems (for example, DOS and OS/2) report different hard-disk geometries, (2) you boot from a diskette that loads a different driver than is loaded when you boot from the hard disk, (3) upgrading the operating system (for example, from OS/2 2.x to OS/2 Warp) causes a different driver to be used, (4) the hard disk or controller has been changed, (5) the BIOS has been upgraded, (6) the BIOS LBA setting has been changed, or (7) there is a partition table virus present on the hard disk. In most instances, you should resolve the problem as explained in "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. You can also use a virus scx anning program to remove any partition table virus. Data loss is possible if the number of heads or sectors per track has changed since you first created your partitions. #117 Partition's drive letter cannot be identified Under OS/2, PartitionMagic must be able to find the drive letter for each partition before modifications can be made. There are various reasons why OS/2 might not be able to find a drive letter for each partition. For example, a driver on your system may change the drive letters from their defaults, or your partitions may not have serial numbers. The solution is to run PartitionMagic from DOS or from MS-DOS mode (in Windows 95 or Windows 98). When PartitionMagic runs from DOS or from MS-DOS mode, it does not need to be able to find the drive letter for each partition. Thus, if the problem indicated by this error message is the only problem, PartitionMagic can run successfully. #118 Two partitions have the same serial number PartitionMagic may require all partitions on your system to have unique serial numbers. This is typically the case when a drive letter change has occurred as a result of loading a driver for disk compression or drive letter remapping. You can use the SNUTIL utility included with PartitionMagic to change the serial numbers of physical FAT partitions. You cannot use SNUTIL for HPFS partitions, network volumes, compressed volumes, or other volumes that are not physical partitions. #119 A drive has been formatted since starting PartitionMagic When you start PartitionMagic, it reads information about each partition into memory. If you switch to another window and format a partition, you must exit PartitionMagic and restart it to allow PartitionMagic to recognize the change. #120 The logical drive chain is incompatible This error occurs under some operating systems when logical partitions are not chained together in the expected order. DOS, OS/2, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT require that logical partitions be chained together in ascending order. Some other operating systems do not require this. For example, some versions of the Linux FDISK utility chain logical partitions together in the order they are created. This error message identifies a very dangerous situation; using the DOS FDISK in this situation can cause loss of one or more partitions. For solutions to this problem, see "Resolving Partition Table Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. If you decide to back up your data and recreate your partitions, you may have to use the same partitioning program that you used to create the partitions in order to delete them. #121 The first sector of the drive cannot be read The first sector of the hard disk (cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1) contains the master boot record (MBR) and the primary partition table. PartitionMagic cannot make changes to this hard disk because an error occurred when it read the first sector. See error #50 for information on resolving this error. #122 A bad sector was found in the current or new partition area The partition cannot be moved safely because there is a bad sector in the new or current partition area. When you see this error message, the move operation is aborted before any corruption can occur. Try moving the partition to a different place. If your hard disk has bad sectors, we recommend that you replace the hard disk. ERRORS ( 500-599) CHECK Check errors occur when PartitionMagic checks the integrity of a partition. For general information about resolving these errors, see "Resolving Check Errors" in the General Troubleshooting section of Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide. #500 Subdirectory is corrupted This error message reveals the name of the corrupted subdirectory. Back up the contents of that directory and its subdirectories. You can then delete the corrupted subdirectory. #501 Cross-linked files were found Multiple files claim the same clusters. PartitionMagic can fix this error when it occurs on an NTFS partition. For more information, see "Checking Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Check Partition" in Help. PartitionMagic lets you fix this error by: (1) copying the shared clusters to each affected file, (2) deleting all affected files, or (3) keeping one file and deleting the other affected files. #506 Not enough free space on partition to shrink Some free space (which is dependent on the hard disk's current contents) is required to resize a partition smaller. Delete unneeded and duplicate files in the partition and then attempt the operation again. #508 As specified, the operation does not change the partition You have entered a value that is the same as or (when rounded to the required cylinder boundary) rounds to the same as the partition's present value. Enter a larger change. #509 A bad sector was detected in the current or new FS area In order to perform the resize operation that you requested, PartitionMagic attempted to expand the file system area. However, the program found a bad sector in the new area. Try moving the partition before you resize it. No corruption occurs when you encounter this error. #510 The version of the file system is not supported An updated version of PartitionMagic is required to operate on this new version of the file system. Visit http://www.powerquest.com for information about updated versions of PartitionMagic. ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP7) ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP8* ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP9+ ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP10, ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP11- TECHNICAL_SUPPORT_HLP ERRORS ( 600-633)BATCHr #600 Error trying to create batch file #601 Error trying to write batch file #602 Batch file not found (The following information applies to errors 600-602.) PartitionMagic 4.0 lets you specify a series of changes you want to make to your partitions, and then executes all the changes when you click Apply. At this point, PartitionMagic writes out a command list file (called a "batch file") to disk in preparation for execution, and then reads the file upon execution (immediately if a lock can be secured on all impacted partitions, or in a special "reboot" mode after rebooting your computer if not all locks can be secured). In the Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT versions of PartitionMagic, the batch file is located in your Windows\System directory. In the DOS versions, it is located in the directory PartitionMagic 4.0 is running from. The batch filename is PQ_PM40.PQB. If the batch file cannot be created, cannot be written, or cannot be located when PartitionMagic attempts to execute the command file, the above error messages appear. You should contact PowerQuest technical support. See PowerQuest Technical Support in Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide for more information. #603 Unknown batch operation The batch file contained an operation unknown to PartitionMagic 4.0. Contact PowerQuest technical support. See "PowerQuest Technical Support" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or Help for contact information. #610 Error trying to parse DriveMapper command #611 Error trying to parse DiskConfig data #612 Error trying to parse a batch Create command #613 Error trying to parse a batch Delete command #614 Error trying to parse a batch Adjust command #615 Error trying to parse a batch FATAdjust command #616 Error trying to parse a batch Set Label command #617 Error trying to parse a batch Hide command #618 Error trying to parse a batch SetActive command #619 Error trying to parse a batch Format command #620 Error trying to parse a batch Copy command #621 Error trying to parse a batch Convert command #622 Error trying to parse a batch BadSectorRetest command #623 Error trying to parse a batch ChangeDriveLetter command (The following information applies to errors 610-623.) An error occurred when PartitionMagic attempted to read and parse a specified command in the batch file. This is an internal error indicating a format problem with the command structure. Contact PowerQuest technical support. See PowerQuest Technical Support in Help or the PartitionMagic User Guide for more information. #625 Can't execute any operation: disk configuration has changed since batch file was created Before any instruction in the batch file can be executed, PartitionMagic needs to be sure that the disk configuration has remained unchanged from the way it was when PartitionMagic was started. In other words, PartitionMagic must be sure that all partitions on the disk have the same location, size, and type as they did when the batch file was generated. Executing a list command on a partition (or partitions) with a different starting location or size than the one anticipated could have a disastrous effect on your disk and could destroy data. This error usually indicates that some other application has modified your disk configuration while you were running PartitionMagic. Make sure no other applications are loaded while PartitionMagic is running. #630 Can't execute the operation: Wrong partition type #631 Can't execute the operation: Can't find correct partition #632 Can't execute the operation: Partition location, size, or type is different than anticipated #633 Can't execute the Copy operation: Can't find correct Destination partition (The following information applies to errors 630-633.) In order for PartitionMagic to execute the list of commands from the batch file, it must ensure that each command executes on the correct partition. In order to do this, it must correctly anticipate the partition's current location and size (not the starting location and size at the time PartitionMagic was loaded) because the partition could have been moved, resized, relabeled, etc. during execution of prior commands. If PartitionMagic incorrectly anticipates the partition's current location, size, type, or label, one of these errors appears and the batch file stops execution (no data is lost and your disk is still in a valid configuration). However, since not all of the commands might have been performed, you need to exit PartitionMagic and then run it again and remake the rest of the changes that you want made to your disk. ERRORS ( 950-999) USER INTERACTION. #950 Unable to detect any disk drives No partitionable hard disks were found on your computer. Diskette drives and many removable media drives do not support partitioning. PartitionMagic cannot perform operations on disks in such drives. #951 User entered an invalid value The value entered is outside the range or (when rounded to the required cylinder boundary) rounds to a value that is outside the range for the operation specified. Check the displayed range and reenter the value. #952 Value entered is the same as the current value See error #508. #967 Could not perform operation to the value specified This error occurs only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. If the value specified on a resize or move operation is not between the minimum and maximum possible, script execution stops and this error displays. #968 Incorrect Volume Label entered, Deletion not performed To delete a partition, PartitionMagic requires you to enter that partition's volume label. If the volume label you enter does not match the volume label of the partition you want to delete, this error appears. #969 Incorrect Volume Label entered, Unable to proceed. To format an existing partition, PartitionMagic requires you to enter that partition's volume label. If the volume label you enter does not match the volume label of the partition you are attempting to format, this error appears. #970 Invalid Bad Sector Check value specified This error occurs only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. If the script command SET DEFAULT BAD SECTOR TEST STATE is not followed by either ON or OFF, this error appears. #971 The label entered was too long When you enter a volume label, the process that checks the validity of the label displays this message if the label is too long. The label must be no longer than 11 characters. #972 Invalid characters in the label When you enter a volume label, the process that checks the validity of the label displays this message if the label has characters that are invalid. Invalid characters include the following: [ * ? : < > | + = ; \ / , " ]. #973 Volume Label cannot have leading spaces When you enter a volume label, the process that checks the validity of the label displays this message if you enter a label in which a space or spaces are the leading characters. #974 Root size specified was not in the valid range This error occurs only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. If you use the Create, Format, or Resize Root operations, and the number of root entries specified is not within the acceptable range for that partition, this error appears. Generally, the valid range is from 64 to 1,024. #975 The cluster size specified was invalid for this partition This error message displays only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. Many commands have a cluster size option. If a script command specifies an invalid cluster size (for the type and size of the partition), this error appears. #976 Cannot create the file system specified in the current space This error message displays only in the enterprise version from a running script. When you use the CREATE or FORMAT commands, you must also choose a file system type. If the file system or partition type you specified cannot be created in the space available, this error appears. #977 Partition selected is invalid This error message displays only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. If the partition selected from the Select Partition command is not a valid partition, this error appears. #978 Unable to set to the proper partition after the last operation. Script halted. This error message appears only in the enterprise version of PartitionMagic from a running script. After each operation, PartitionMagic ensures that the right partition is still selected. If PartitionMagic is not able to select the proper partition, it ends script processing and displays this error. ERRORS (1500-1699) NTFS CHECK Errors 1500-1699 are NTFS-specific check errors, which can occur when PartitionMagic checks the integrity of a partition. PartitionMagic can fix certain errors when you perform the Check operation. For more information, see "Checking Partitions" and "Resolving Check Errors" in the PartitionMagic User Guide. You may also refer to "Check Partition" and "General Troubleshooting" in Help. NOTE: In this section, "attribute" does not mean read-only, hidden, system, etc. Rather, "attribute" means one of a file's data streams. #1501 Wrong version of NTFS The partition was created using a version of the NTFS file format that PartitionMagic cannot work with. #1503 Bad NTFS cluster size The NTFS cluster size must be 512, 1,024, 2,048, 4,096, 8,192, 16,384, 32,768, or 65,536 bytes. #1512 Restart record mismatch The two restart entries in the journal file are different. This may happen if Windows NT is not properly shut down. To fix this problem, restart Windows NT and shut it down using the SHUT DOWN command. #1516 Partition improperly dismounted The partition dirty flag is set in a restart record in the journal file. This error may have been caused by a power failure or system crash while the Windows NT operating system was writing the partition. Reboot Windows NT and execute CHKDSK /F to repair the damage. #1527 Bad update sequence number A buffer contains mismatched update sequence numbers. This error may have been caused by a power failure or system crash while the Windows NT operating system was writing to the partition. Reboot Windows NT and execute CHKDSK /F to repair the damage. #1529 Information mismatch in directory entry A file attribute stored in a file record is different from the attribute stored in its directory entry. If this error is in a system file (file 0-10), Windows NT CHKDSK does not fix it, but Windows NT rebuilds the root directory on the partition the next time the operating system is started. #1538 Can't find contiguous space to move The partition does not contain enough contiguous free space to hold the new copy of a file that must be contiguous. You normally encounter this error when you use the Resize option to resize a partition smaller. #1539 File size mismatch The size of a system file (file 0-15) recorded in its file record does not match either the size recorded in its directory entry in the root directory or the size of its data stream. #1544 External attribute list in external attribute An external file record has an external attribute list. #1545 File attributes out of order The attributes in a file must appear in order of increasing numeric type. #1546 Attribute neither resident nor nonresident The attribute resident flag has a value other than resident or nonresident. #1547 Wrong run limits A run has more clusters than the difference between its highest and lowest cluster. #1548 File table has fewer than 16 entries The file table must have at least 16 entries. #1549 File table has more than 4 billion entries The file table must have fewer than 4 billion entries. #1604 File's parent does not contain the file The file's parent directory does not contain a reference to the file, or a file's size, date, or time information does not match the file's parent directory information. This error can be fixed when you perform the CHECK operation. For more information, see "Checking Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Check Partition" in Help. When you fix this error, PartitionMagic updates the file's parent directory information. #1609 Lost cluster(s) The volume bitmap shows clusters as being used which are not used (no file claims them). This error can be fixed when you perform the CHECK operation. For more information, see "Checking Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Check Partition" in Help. PartitionMagic lets you fix this error by either deleting the lost clusters or by saving them in a file in the root directory. The filename is FILEXXXX.PQE, where XXXX is a number between 0000 and 9999. #1630 Inconsistent sizes in attribute header File size information is incorrect. This error can be fixed when you perform the CHECK operation. For more information, see "Checking Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Check Partition" in Help. When you fix this error, PartitionMagic computes the correct file size information. #1644 Bad system file sequence number A system file has a bad sequence number. System files must have a sequence number from 1 to 15. A partition with this problem may pass Windows NT CHKDSK, but Windows NT does not mount the partition the next time the operating system is started. #1647 Error in root directory index There is an error in the root directory's index. Running Windows NT CHKDSK does not fix this problem, but Windows NT automatically rebuilds the root directory on the partition the next time it is started. ERRORS (2000-2099) FAT CHECKW Check errors occur when PartitionMagic checks the integrity of a partition. For general information about resolving these errors, see "Checking Partitions" in the PartitionMagic User Guide or "Check Partition" in Help. #2001 FAT copies are not identical Run ScanDisk to fix this error. This problem may also be caused by a virus. Run a virus checker and remove the virus if possible. #2003 File size does not match FAT allocation for file Run ScanDisk or CHKDSK to fix this error. #2005 One or more lost clusters were found Run ScanDisk or CHKDSK to fix this error. #2012 Formatted FAT file system too big for partition This error can occur when: 1. The number of sectors in the partition is larger than 65,536, and the BSHUGESECTS field of the boot sector ("Big total number of sectors" in Norton's DISKEDIT utility) shows that there are more sectors in the partition than the partition table shows. 2. The number of sectors in the partition is less than 65,536, and the BSSECTS field of the boot sector ("Total sectors on disk" in Norton's DISKEDIT utility) shows that there are more sectors in the partition than the partition table shows. This situation can result in data loss when the FAT file system tries to use space outside the partition that does not exist or that belongs to another partition. Since file data may exist outside the partition boundary, you cannot fix the problem by simply patching the boot sector. To correct the error, back up all data on the partition, delete the partition, recreate the partition, and restore the data. Alternately, it has been reported that you can use Norton Disk Doctor to fix this problem. #2013 A component of FAT geometry is bad This error can occur when: 1. The number of clusters on the hard disk is greater than the FAT limits allow. This can result from bad values in the boot sector for the number of sectors, FATs, root entries, reserved sectors, and sectors per cluster. 2. The number of sectors in the FAT is not large enough to hold the number of clusters present on the hard disk. A qualified consultant may be able to fix the hard disk by performing simple patches. Alternately, you can back up the data on the partition, delete the partition, recreate the partition, and restore the files. #2024 The OS/2 Extended Attribute file is corrupt This error only occurs if you are running OS/2 and a program mistakenly writes to or overwrites the OS/2 Extended Attribute file. If this error occurs, you should back up your data, delete the partition, recreate the partition, and restore your data. #2027 There are too many root entries in the FAT32 partition to convert it to FAT16 Long filenames may be causing this problem, since they use multiple entries per file. To fix this error, move some of the root directory entries into a subdirectory. ERRORS (OVER 10,100) OPERATING SYSTEM Any number over 10,000 indicates an operating system error. To determine the number of the operating system error, subtract 10,000. See your operating system documentation for information about resolving the error. BEFORE CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT PowerQuest is committed to providing you with comprehensive technical support. However, before contacting our technical support department, please try to resolve your problem by using the PartitionMagic User Guide, PartitionMagic Help, the README file, and PowerQuest's corporate website (http://www.powerquest.com). The website contains a wide array of information, including technical white papers, Frequently Asked Questions, and support information. If you cannot get the help you need from these resources, you can contact our technical support department via fax, BBS, telephone, email, or postal service mail. PowerQuest offers free technical support to registered users for 90 days from the date of purchase. POWERQUEST PROBLEM REPORT When you contact technical support, please have the following information ready: Your Company Name Your Name Your Voice Phone Number Your Fax Phone Number PartitionMagic Serial Number Computer Manufacturer Computer Model and Model Number Date of Computer Manufacture Processor Type (486, Pentium, etc.) Amount of Memory (RAM) Operating System / Version Number (Windows 95, etc.) Other Hardware. Include bus type (ISA, EISA, MCA, PCI, VESA), hard drive model, and external drives. Memory Resident Software. Include memory managers and list their version numbers (for example, OnTrack's Disk Manager Version 6.0 or EZ-Drive Version 7.0). TECHNICAL SUPPORT USA (801) 434-3060 Europe (+31) 20 582 9260 Fax the PowerQuest Problem Report and a description of your problem to the technical support fax number. This service is available in the U.S., Canada, and Europe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We try to respond to all fax requests within 24 hours. FAXBACK USA (801) 437-7921 USA Toll Free (800) 720-0391 USA (801) 226-5608 Call the PowerQuest bulletin board for product information and answers to frequently asked technical questions. The correct modem setup is N-8-1. Our BBS supports transmission speeds from 1200bps to 28.8Kbps. TELEPHONE English USA (801) 226-6834 Dutch Netherlands (+31) 20 581 3906 English Netherlands (+31) 20 581 3907 English UK (+44) 0171 341 55 17 French France (+33) 1 69 32 49 30 German Germany (+49) 069 66 568 516 Our USA call center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., MST/MDT. Our European call centers are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 18:00 CET. Please have the information from the PowerQuest Problem Report ready for the technical support technician. E-MAIL English USA support@powerquest.com Italian USA italian@powerquest.com Portuguese USA latina@powerquest.com Spanish USA spanish@powerquest.com Dutch Netherlands eurots@powerquest.com English Netherlands eurots@powerquest.com English UK eurots@powerquest.com French France france@powerquest.com German Germany germany@powerquest.com Please include the information from the PowerQuest Problem Report with a description of your problem in your e-mail message. POSTAL SERVICE MAIL PowerQuest Corporation PO Box 1911 Orem, Utah 84059-1911 PowerQuest Orlyplein 85 1043 DS Amsterdam The Netherlands Please include the information from the PowerQuest Problem Report with a description of your problem. Be sure to also include a return address, a daytime phone number, or other relevant contact information. HELP_CONTEXTS1 DERIVED_OBJECTS const UI_HELP_CONTEXT GENERAL_HLP = 0x0001; // GENERAL HELPn const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDLABEL_HLP = 0x0002; // LABEL PARTITION L const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDREROOT_HLP = 0x0003; // RESIZE ROOTQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDDELETE_HLP = 0x0004; // DELETE PARTITIONO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDHIDE_HLP = 0x0005; // HIDE PARTITIONQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDUNHIDE_HLP = 0x0006; // UNHIDE PARTITIONK const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDSETACT_HLP = 0x0007; // SET ACTIVER const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDBSRTST_HLP = 0x0008; // BAD SECTOR RETESTT const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDFMTCNF_HLP = 0x0009; // FORMAT VERIFICATIONQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDFORMAT_HLP = 0x000A; // FORMAT PARTITIONP const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDCLUST_HLP = 0x000B; // RESIZE CLUSTERSV const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDMOVRSZ_HLP = 0x000C; // RESIZE/MOVE PARTITIONx const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDIBMADD_HLP = 0x000D; // ADDING A PARTITION TO THE IBM BOOT MANAGER STARTUP MENUP const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDCHECK_HLP = 0x000E; // CHECK PARTITIONQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDPREFS_HLP = 0x000F; // PREFERENCES MENU] const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDIBMPRP_HLP = 0x0010; // VIEWING MENU ITEM PROPERTIESO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDCOPY_HLP = 0x0011; // COPY PARTITIONV const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDINFO_HLP = 0x0012; // PARTITION INFORMATIONQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDCREATE_HLP = 0x0013; // CREATE PARTITION[ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ZDBOOTMAGIC_HLP = 0x0014; // BOOTMAGIC MAIN WINDOW HELP] const UI_HELP_CONTEXT BOOT_MANAGER_HLP = 0x0015; // CONFIGURING IBM BOOT MANAGERX const UI_HELP_CONTEXT FAT_FAT32_HLP = 0x0016; // CONVERTING FAT TO FAT32W const UI_HELP_CONTEXT FAT_HPFS_HLP = 0x0017; // CONVERTING FAT TO HPFSX const UI_HELP_CONTEXT CONVERT_FAT32_TO_FAT_HLP = 0x0018; // CONVERTING FAT32 TO FATY const UI_HELP_CONTEXT GNRL_TRBLSHTNG_HLP = 0x0019; // GENERAL TROUBLE SHOOTING] const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP = 0x001A; // ERROR MESSAGES AND SOLUTIONS^ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP2 = 0x001B; // ERRORS ( 3-38) MISCELLANEOUS] const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP3 = 0x001C; // ERRORS ( 40-56) DISK ACCESS_ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP4 = 0x001D; // ERRORS ( 70-72) MISCELLANEOUSb const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP5 = 0x001E; // ERRORS ( 100-199) PARTITION TABLEX const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP6 = 0x001F; // ERRORS ( 500-599) CHECKW const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP7 = 0x0020; // ERRORS ( 600-633)BATCHc const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP8 = 0x0021; // ERRORS ( 950-999) USER INTERACTION^ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP9 = 0x0022; // ERRORS (1500-1699) NTFS CHECK] const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP10 = 0x0023; // ERRORS (2000-2099) FAT CHECKf const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_MESSAGES_HLP11 = 0x0024; // ERRORS (OVER 10,100) OPERATING SYSTEMd const UI_HELP_CONTEXT TECHNICAL_SUPPORT_HLP = 0x0025; // BEFORE CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT